We are back in Boulder for the school year and things are going well so far. Utah was fun and we'll undoubtedly be back there for numerous more visits, but now it's time settle back into our Boulder apt. Sadly, it seems the people from whom we were stealing our internet have found us out and canceled their service. This means we'll now have to actually pay to get online--it's messed up, I know.
Sloane is now more than three months old and adjusting nicely. She has recently discovered her vocal chords and likes to test them out during Sacrament Meeting or at 1am--just for fun. We tried to capture one of her performances on video but, like I said before, she is still camera shy, or maybe it's camera curious. Still, for those of you who haven't heard her talk this is a little teaser of you might get when you see Sloane in the flesh.
The last picture is with Sloane's cousin Taylor, better known as TC, or even Tack (TAC)!