Waiting for a table at the California Pizza Kitchen. This is pretty much the closest restaurant to our house and we figured Sloane would do well at a pizza joint. She did.

Lance got one of his favorite meals--the Margherita pizza. Grace ordered Jambalaya, spicy and good. Grace finally picked out something good to eat. Whenever we go out Grace always orders some kind of exotic dish that turns out to be a disaster--not this time. I guess Jambalaya isn't that hard to mess up anyway.

Family picture. Cheaper than hiring someone. Right now Sloane likes to smile at strangers, so we can usually get some decent shots.

Shopping at the Flatiron Crossing mall. Hopefully Sloane won't pick up any of her mommy's bad shopping habits. She's probably too young to know where we were. When she gets older I'll explain to her that malls are bad places.

Grace and Sloane got gussied up in some new head wear for our day out.

Sloane seems to like the sauce. We got some Stewart's Key Lime soda for Lance's birthday and Sloane was interested in the color. We let her play around with the bottle and she probably got a tiny taste of the green goods inside.
哇 Sloane長肉肉了!! 讚讚讚~
happy late birthday crizat
我今天才去吃cheesecake factory的,但是沒吃蛋糕因為太飽了...況且我也不敢吃cheese cake,但是Godiva的那塊看起來好好吃喔~Grace妳有吃過嗎?
你去The cheesecake factory竟然沒吃他們的cheesecake.....有機會一定要去嚐嚐,那入口即化,滿滿的起司味道在嘴裡,感覺超幸福的啦!姐姐我每次去都是主餐吃不完打包,但是一定要留肚子吃蛋糕,hehe...
CPK還不錯啊可以去吃吃看因為離我們家很近(不到五分鐘)所以還蠻常去...我會建議你下次去cheesecake factory 就去吃dessert就好我就有這樣過因為他的餐太大啦,Godiva的口味我沒吃過我點原味比較多,,我想一定不錯..我喜歡去Godiva的專賣店點他們的飲料如果你喜歡他們的巧克力可以去試試喔.
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