We made it back to America where after a brief sojourn at Mom and Pop's house in Provo we started our move out to L.A. We stayed at the Plaza in north Las Vegas.

It was near the Fremont Experience and one of the more ghetto places we've ever been to in our lives together.

Sloane found new enjoyment with the hose outside the Utah house. We sprayed her down with water several times. We had to let her try out her swimming suit before she out grew it.

It was a long drive to California and this was one of the rare occasions when Sloane was not crying on the road.

Farewell to Auntie Lesley at the airport in Taiwan.

We took a trip to Shan Lin Xi, which is one of Taiwan's national parks. There is this 3,000-year-old cyprus tree called Shen Mu.

Sloane enjoyed the Onigiri--it is one of her favorite foods.