Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another week in Boulder

We are a little swamped with the start of school but we found some time to go out a take a few pictures. Plus, we felt like we kind of had to. People in Boulder have an obsession with outdoor activities so we paid an obligatory visit to the latest festival/farmer's market/free concert etc. We also started trying out the over-the-shoulder baby sack. This is something that Sloane can get down with.


mrs. farlanderz said...

that last picture is PERFECT, she is such a pretty girl!

mrs. farlanderz said...

oh - we wanted to tell you guys, there is a couple in our ward - Sloane (I think he spells it different) and Naomi...very cool.

K. Crisler said...

She is getting so big! We miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

She is so.... cute!!
I miss you guys so much!!!
Show me more pictures!

Anonymous said...
