Sloane was pretty stoked to be in the doctor's office. This was before the doctor showed up, of course. That was when everything changed. We took her in to see about a skin rash that has gotten progressively worse for about two weeks. A few days ago we noticed that she started scratching at her neck and ear. The doctor said that 4-month-olds usually aren't that dextrous with their hands. So she thought that either Sloane was particularly good with her hands or the rash was particularly itchy.

Totally unaware of the impending doom that is about to walk through the door.

Our friend Ann Freeman gave us this elaborate baby contraption. Sloane can't really fit--her feet don't touch the bott0m yet--but she seems to enjoy it nonetheless.

After a long, hard day.

Sloane's swing usually gives us some funny pictures. It makes her scrunch up her face to produce this jowly effect.

Check out Sloane's first boo-boo. You can barely make it out--see the red streak just above her hair line. Sloane's mommy wasn't paying attention and let her fall over, cracking her skull on the side of the laptop. If you think this sounds bad, it happened just one day after the very same mommy let Sloane roll off the bed to floor (our bed isn't on a frame so it's pretty close to floor, but still!!). The picture above this one shows that Sloane got over both incidents pretty quickly.
Your apartment is slowly being taken over by baby accouterments. We are big fans of the exersaucer and wish we could have fit ours in a suitcase. Issac will probably have outgrown it before he even gets to use it.
She has changed so much, but is still just as cute as she can be!
So, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only mother out there who has let her baby roll off the bed. Except, our bed is about 3 feet off the floor, and Maggie decided to dive head first. I was even standing right there. Ooops... needless to say, I felt pretty dumb, but she recovered quickly. Poor little Sloan's rash, I hope it feels better soon. Nothing like a bad itch to develop those advanced motor skills.
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