Sloane's first time in an airplane. She performed well--didn't cry even once on the flight from Denver to JFK.

She even got in a little nap, but she seems to have not been able to shake Uncle Lane's tongue disease.

Here is another view of this now well-documented disorder.

This is yet another first for Sloane: first time in train. This is the Long Island Railroad that took us from Jamaica Station to Penn Station in Manhattan. It was a stinky ride.

Lance in Times Square. He had to carry all of the bags this trip.

Grace got to carry Sloane--not such a bad trade. This was the first time that any of us had been to Times Square. We had a 7 hour layover at JFK so we thought we could at least check out some part of New York. It was cold, rainy, and really touristy.

Sloane liked the horses.

Grace holding her ground on the Air Train back to JFK.
I don't know anything about this disease you speak of! :) She looks beautiful in every single pic.
~ Lane
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